Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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10/01/2023 - Enregistrement n° 51 - 25:25 : Cache site - Heritage and fame

(Q - ??: if the site becomes, if the remarkable heritage, what happens to hunting?)

MB: but the site will become a remarkable heritage site.

(Q - Xavier: When the owl is found!)

MB: exactly.

(Q – nlc: you said that the place was ordinary in your last edition of the book and I thought I understood in the last vocal, there that finally the place seemed to be extraordinary that within 5 minutes everyone in the neighborhood will know about it, etc… that it was a place that was really out of the ordinary, so it contrasted with the ordinary place in the book, I didn't like it. ..)

MB: I'm not sure I used the exact words you use, but I would say you are extraordinary. It’s you, the owls, who would be extraordinary, it’s the person who will find it, it’s the story that’s extraordinary.

(Q – Xavier: it’s more the side, it’s more the solution itself and the implementation of the solution which risks being extraordinary rather than the terrain itself, in my opinion…)

MB: this is the solution considered correlatively, with the story of the owl and the Owls. The solution in itself, well Ok, that's the solution in itself, the cool guys are the cool guys, but there, if we put everything together with 30 years of hindsight, we're on something that doesn't has nothing more to do.

(Q – Xavier: but you could tell us extraordinary, great, because you used a lot of superlatives, even more so last time, could you specify where this side comes from, because it's really a teaser, it makes you want, really at the end of...what does it come from?)

MB: it comes from you! No one wants to listen to me, I tell you that owls are a major component of hunting and the scale, the dimension, the density that it takes today. The extraordinary side will really come from the players, from the participants in the game. It is they who give this dimension. Thousands of hours of thinking, note-taking, digging, whatever you want, which have been devoted to all that, the day the hunt is going to be found, and besides, I find that quite nice, everything that has been done, everything that hundreds of thousands of people have done around this story will take shape and will remain in the annals.
That doesn't mean that we will have a commemorative plaque with everyone's name, that's not what I mean, let's not caricature, but it does mean that taken as a whole, the mass of gray matter , work, the time spent, the time devoted by the owls to all that, will take on an extraordinary meaning.

(Q – nlc: what would be really extraordinary is if the owl was finally found in the place that was mentioned barely a few months after the book was released. So that would really be something crazy! After 30 years, finally finding yourself in the place of departure, the place that had been found from the beginning.)

MB: so I don’t know what the first place was found since at the time I wasn’t too connected but…

(Q – Xavier: well I think he’s talking about Bourges.)
(Q – nlc: no, no, it’s in 4 letters…)

MB: it’s the old Daboist demon coming to the surface!

(Q - ??: if we can find it, we can move it to Dabo eh, there's no problem.)

MB: it's not difficult to move, in fact I transported it myself, didn't I.