Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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10/01/2023 - Enregistrement n° 51 - 13:10 : Hunting - Profile of the future discoverer - autistic

MB: Keep going, keep going. You were debating, I'm listening…)

(Q - ??: otherwise he asked what had actually been said before…)
(Q - ??: yeah, we were taking the temperature between what was said and the passage here…)

MB: is he drunk, is he going to give us a big….

(Q - ??: is he going to start, are we going to do 2 p.m. or not…)

MB: so I'll tell you frankly, it's funny because it's part of my thoughts, things that I think about in the background like that during the day so it's almost an almost permanent reflection for me, but a little in the background and from time to time it comes back, it comes to the foreground, I say to myself, what is the profile of the winner, who can win a hunt like that?
And so, paradoxically, Crolet could have been someone who could have had the profile of the winner, but he loves himself too much, he is much too narcissistic and therefore he loses all objectivity, so in no case.
But on the other hand, if I really try but in all sincerity, eh, I try to tell myself, but who can win something like that, who can have this famous trigger, who can react in the right way to the information which must be taken into account, frankly, I do not exclude that it could be someone autistic.
Because I say to myself, the more intelligent the guys are, the more concrete they have, and the more constipated they are, the less breadth of vision they have. That's what's very surprising, it's that a lot of intelligence, I can't say I think it, I don't have absolute certainty but what I hear when I feel that I I'm dealing with people who have a mind that goes very fast, which moves very hard at the same time, I realize that the horizon is relatively limited and I call myself an autistic person who is not subject to our regulations, in quotes to us, who is a mind a little more autonomous, a little more independent, could perfectly find the solution.

(Q - ??: You shouldn't be too Cartesian in fact?)

MB: you have to be intelligent all the same. When I talk about an autistic person, I'm obviously not talking about an imbecile, eh. I'm talking about someone who would have great intelligence and who would not be subject to criteria which ultimately become reductive quite quickly

(Q - ??: and an autistic person perhaps achieves independence of thought where he would not let himself be led away by others?)

MB: That’s it, that’s exactly it. When I talk about this, I'm going to clarify a little bit, when I talk about this notion, it's more that the person who will find it will be someone who is capable of riding a theory and going to the end.
But going after a theory doesn't necessarily mean trying to support it by all possible means, it mainly means thinking about it in your own head and having your own vision of what the solution could be.< br />