Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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10/01/2023 - Enregistrement n° 51 - 06:40 : End of game - Wow effect

(Q - ??: However, here, I have a small question. Michel, well not small, it's just a question and you always say that it's going to be extraordinary when we have the solutions, et cetera et cetera.
If it had been discovered, without madits, without minitel, in 1996 let's say, after 4 years of research, as you said it could have been, would people also have said to themselves "oh yeah, actually , it's extraordinary, it's very beautiful and everything” where is there a side, the 30 years which adds to that.)

MB: No, no, it's not one side, it's the whole thing, it's the 30 years that are added to that. The owl would have been discovered, the game would have finished within the time frame, I don't even dare say, the time frame initially planned because I'm not even sure it was really planned. But let's admit that the golden owl was discovered in 3 or 4 years, no one would care about it today we would have forgotten it.

(Q - ??: ok, would the neat people who found the solution have been so amazed by the location, the trick and everything that it was really special like that?)< /i>

MB: what is fortunate for all of us, but frankly, for you as for me, is the fact that everything happened and God knows it happened , that the hunt continues, and that it is possible today for someone to discover the countermark, therefore to win.
That's fantastic and because of everything that has happened over these 30 years, the person who will win, the very outcome of the hunt itself, not only for the person who will win, but for everyone, for those who will, in spite of themselves, be spectators of the thing, since it is not them who will have won, it will be fantastic.

(Q - ??: in itself because there are people who ask questions and that can lead me a little astray, in fact, what to focus my brain on, I'm looking for something completely extraordinary, but I wanted to know if it was just the history of the hunt or if it was really due to the solutions themselves.)

MB: it’s due to both, it’s a whole. This is what I have been explaining for a long time, that is to say that the game has today taken on a density, a consistency, which it was far from having when it was created, in reality, it is the 30 years, the history of the game and everything that has happened means that today, its outcome, the discovery, all of that takes and will take even more a completely extraordinary, unexpected, surprising turn.
You shouldn't let that bother you, eh. I mean, it's not to be compared with your thoughts, it's just a way for me to highlight the particular side of the story. I'm going to leave you for a few moments, I have a phone call and I'll be back.