Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 1 - 2:20 p.m.: Maps - Use and navigation

(Q - Shadow: is it more important to find the final card than the Super Solution at the moment?)

MB : Listen, listen, we come back to a basic military logic of people who work with maps, when I did my military service we had a map, a compass and we had to, in the middle of the night, arrive at the right place. On a treasure hunt it's the same thing, what's important is to navigate the 989 and at one point we say to ourselves this is where it's happening and we're going to want a map. a smaller scale to be able to say we have more precision, we see better where we are going, we spot things. The order of things is a logical order, so what you first need to do is know where you end up, once you end up somewhere, you have to get the map of somewhere and once you 'we have the map of somewhere, we have to try to spot things, to orient ourselves, I know that I am in the right sector then I take this, that thing, I have understood where I am today , I still have this information to process, I process it and I get there.
Max Valentin was a specialist in surprise rallies and treasure hunts, why do you want to attribute any other talent to him than that? He did what he knew how to do.