Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 2 - 01:26:20: Concept of “Checkpoint”

(Q - Orestes: a question about the word check point, we talked about it and some think that Dabo could not be part of the solution. I would like to know what the word check point represents for you?)

MB : why the fact that there is no check point would invalidate Dabo, I don't really understand.

(Q - Orestes: it depends on what we call a checkpoint, this person said that we passed through Dabo several times through the puzzles and that this meant that Dabo must be a checkpoint, or you said there was none, so Dabo cannot be a solution)

MB : ha..I like this kind of deduction. in fact my conception of the checkpoint is exactly like in a rally, when a car arrives at the checkpoint, it is pointed out and we know that it has passed, that's good and then we continue.
There in the hunt, I don't have the feeling, even if you talk to me about Dabo, ok I understand, these are theories that I have already heard, which we have already discussed in the vocals, I don't see in hunting and I have the impression that no one has actually seen real checkpoints, that is to say the moment when we say to ourselves well I passed there, I passed the right place that's sure it's good.
This is what I mentioned as a check point. My point is to say, as I see that it goes in all directions, always and again, my point is to say like in a rally there is still a route, still a starting point and potentially a point of arrival, we all hope, so if people get lost along the way, go in various and varied directions, it is because they are missing at some point something which would confirm to them that it is It is there and we must continue in this direction and not another. That's what I was talking about, I don't know if it's possible but those are my thoughts, that's what today, I'm thinking how I can bring that to the game without throwing out irremediable things that would make me reveal half of the things.