Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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15/04/2022 - Enregistrement 20 Part 2 - 2:23:40 40: False leads - Traps, no FP

(Q - Mupsai: there was a little debate, I will never ask what the solutions look like, does 530 equal etc,...but
someone said that in the solutions, it was specified that there were no false leads in the game...)

MB: no,, no...

(Q - Mupsai: so are the false pilots not present in the solutions or is it written in black and white that there are no false leads in the game?)

MB: no, no, it's not written in black and white at all, it's me who said that and it's not written in black and white.

(Q - Mupsai: okay so this is your interpretation, compared to what you were able to see, no, are there no false leads in the game?)

MB: exactly, it's my interpretation, today I think and I said it, eh, it's not a scoop, so I happily repeat it, I think that when Max Valentin explained having concocted false leads, I I think that it was totally a joke, on the other hand I think that it translated in this way the way in which he chose with extreme care the words which he used in a certain number of these enigmas and which are indeed conducive to inducing the researcher in error.
So for me these are not false leads, I said it very clearly, they are traps, false leads, that would mean that from one trap to another there is a sequence, there is a construction which leads to a wrong place, which gives... which leads to a place which is not the right one, when we talk about a track, a track leads somewhere, do we agree? This is a false trail, that means we continue, we continue, we continue, and then you arrive ah there is a wall, finished, it's blocked you don't go any further, that's a false trail.
But for me there is none, but on the other hand there are traps which are it's the same, it remains, it's a very interesting debate for me because I'm trying not to let myself be biased when I talk about Max Valentin I try to remain objective, it's not always easy because God knows he made me see all the colors, so I I try to remain objective and I tell myself what really happened, that it was really, really his intention and I'm not sure that the famous traps which for some people still work very well, I'm not sure he really calculated them, premeditated.
Because he was someone who had a lot of vocabulary, who knew, who practiced the language and his way of writing very well... well in fact there was still an intention, at the same time I say that I put into perspective because fifteen years have passed, he has had time to choose the words, to look for synonyms, possibly to correct, to refine, and so for me these traps actually lie largely in the vocabulary that 'he chose. I'll tell you some things this evening!

(Q - Mupsai: I wanted to be sure about this...)

MB: it's like in madits, by saying things to myself, by making myself repeat things, I end up saying a little bit more, it's a little bit different, I didn't say exactly the same and we end up deducing things. isn't it Mupsai?

(Q - Mupsai: it's complicated but yes obviously we deduce things from it, because I'm going to be frank with you, I think that the fact of having the solutions and not having found them yourself, there is actually a gap between the two and when we talk about a false trail and from what you... the way you present it, I imagine what you know about the owl and I 'imagine what you don't know about the owl and inevitably what you present necessarily relaunches one of the big leads of the game, whether it's good or not, it doesn't matter, but the way it's shot, well we're not going to beat around the bush but necessarily the old Daboists or the new ones, it doesn't matter if there are no fakes just traps, Dabo is a highway and it doesn't matter whether it's the final destination or a place of passage, but it integrates it directly into the game, because if Dabo is not part of the game it is necessarily a false lead if you know what I mean, and this necessarily makes it for me, but I told you set the trap so it's a bit easy now to criticize anything, but it's something monstrous I like to exploit the word monstrous

MB: that’s your feeling...

(Q - Mupsai: it's huge when we talk about false leads for an owl even if there are plenty of leads and for you there are no false leads, I imagine that if you know of false leads there is necessarily Dabo in the lot and then I am convinced that there are plenty of other possible false leads that you are not even aware of, but that is something else again and that's purely subjective...)

MB: Mupsai, you have just stated a certain number of your convictions, these are your words, this is the term you use, I am convinced, which I respect...

(Q - Mupsai: yes these are convictions but I can assure you that right now, on the people who are there what I have just said and even for you, I am sure that that resonates, that is to say when I say that Dabo is not a false lead because there are no false leads and therefore it is part, it is an element which is part of the game, it is just monstrous for 99% of the people here.)

MB: Mupsai, you talk about your convictions, you tell me I assure you that, I will answer you if I tell you, everyone reassure themselves as best they can, does that mean something to you?

(Q - Mupsai: no but in these cases you shouldn't tell us that there are no false leads in the game, that's all, well I don't know.. .)

MB: Mupsai, I always tell the truth, do me the pleasure of believing that and I have never lied in this story and I will never lie so I tell you for me there are traps, so I will not come back to that above, I said it, I accept it and I confirm it. That being said, I add, when I listen to your words, I add everyone reassure themselves as best they can. You proceed by conviction, you say I am convinced that, I affirm that, I am sure that, therefore I tell you everyone reassure themselves as best they can.

(Q - Mupsai: so I'm going to play a little stupid game right now, that all those who thought of the Dobo trail as a false trail compared to what has just been said there put a sign on something, has anyone at least thought about the Dabo track when they say that there are no false leads in the game Does this reinstate Dabo? somehow, maybe I'm the only one in this situation?)
(Q - Philcé: but no you are not the only one, I am Philcé, it was me who started a bit of the controversy at the beginning of the week I think on false leads, is that that Max Valentin, there is an interview with Max Valentin, his face is blurred, who is interviewed by ?? filmed by Monglane, who says very clearly but you know this video, he says very clearly that he created false very elaborate tracks in the game and that if he had another hunt to do, he would do much simpler things, he would not put so many false leads so it is not a curse which is interpretable, it is not yes depending on what he wrote, it is in front of the camera he says very clearly that he made very elaborate false leads so one of two things, either he is lying, he is very clearly lying about the cost of this on that side, or indeed there is a contradiction with what you say.)

MB: yes are you waiting for a response?