Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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08/05/2022 - Enregistrement 27 - 1:17:40 40: No contemporary character apart from Max

(Q - ??: You and Max said the hunt does not involve anyone born after 1875, does that include any event involving people from that period?)

MB: so I don't remember being so precise, but maybe yes, I must have talked about Jeanne Calment who was actually born in 1875 and who died, if I remember correctly, in 94 , sacred life! No, there is no intervention of a contemporary character, and the only point that I will come back to, with the next edition of the book, is that there is still a contemporary character in the story, is Max Valentin and he is a character in his own right, which I totally distinguish from my co-author who was Régis Hauser, Max Valentin is a third character who intervenes in the story, but hey, it's for the explanation, historical characters no there are none, there is no getting attached to that.