Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 2 - 35:40: Protection of archaeological and historical sites

MB: today we realize that it is not going at all as planned, that is to say that we cannot find it, we are not really sure, but we are going to dig anyway, and then if it's not there, we try 10 centimeters further, 20 centimeters further, one meter further, two meters further and we end up with what we know today, namely a hole madness almost everywhere.
So the problem is somewhat particular, it is inherent to the game and that is exactly what I am telling you and that is all that I take away from our discussions, how I do to limit the damage if I may say so, to manage to channel the thing a little. The first thing I will do is to say well, leave the Bornes Saint-Martin alone, once again these three stones, they are not in the middle of the three stones, they are not at the foot of the three stones so exit the three stones, leave them alone, look elsewhere, look around, look further, look in other places, but don't go digging and risk knocking down these terminals, we're really going to have big problems with it that.
And for other sites it's the same thing. The other day I had a photo of a pile of a player digging 10 meters, 20 meters from a classified site, I mean we have to stop the bullshit, we are in a game which 1993 did not endanger the proximity of a classified site or anything, visible, obvious whereas today there are places a little more... which at the time did not interest anyone and which today interest the archeology services it is possible, but I mean with a certain logic, we understand that at a given moment we must stop doing things which risk irremediably damaging a site more or less less historical... more of less... well in this case when we talk about the Saint-Martin terminals, I am not aware that they are classified or anything, but we understand that it is it's part of the circuit of terminals etc., around Dabo, around all that, these are sites where you shouldn't go and cause damage like that, it's obvious what, and Max would never have gone to do a similar thing.

(Q - nlc: if one day you say we are forbidden to dig completely into this game and everything is done virtually for me, that poses no problem for me, but we still have to be certain that this famous pile of hair today 'today with what we find on the internet we can find it from our sofa, that's the thing...)

MB: That doesn't pose a problem for me either and if it ever happens, I will take the necessary and sufficient steps to make everything possible from your chair.

(Q - apollo: that completely distorts the game...)

MB: Thirty years have passed, thirty years have passed, I can't do anything about it, thirty years have passed, the law has changed, the regulations have changed, we can no longer do it today. today what we did thirty years ago, thirty years ago we didn't have AIDS, we didn't have all that, we did things that today we no longer do.

(Q - apollo: you mean that the site is no longer public, that...,)

MB: no, nothing has changed but I explained it to you, I explained it on a voicemail, the contact I had with the archeology services was told to me, there is now a map extremely precise and detailed, which defines all the sensitive, interesting sites that exist in France very well. Except that the archeology services refuse to publish this map, because it would serve as a guide to all looters. It is extremely difficult so I do not have access to this map of course, it is possible that I can have information relating to the site where the cache is located, which will allow me to ensure the real situation of this site. Today, to my knowledge, this is not a site that is affected, but I still have to take into account the evolution of things.

(Q - apollo: he risks becoming one eventually, right?)

MB: I don't know about that, I have no idea but we can't, we can't exclude anything, I don't know, I don't know what's underneath me, I don't know not this card...

(Q - nlc: the archaeological services could say there is something important, we need to classify this area...)

MB: it depends on you, if you hang around too long, it's certain that if we find it in 30, 40 or 50 years, it will become a piece of archeology, the golden owl...the bronze will end up in museum, not the golden owl museum it will end up at the Louvre!